There's lots of room for additional types of programming as well. There are some good and effective programs, but a lot of the alcohol and drug treatment models are based on white, adult male addiction. They may not necessarily be culturally relevant or gender specific. They certainly don't do very well with youth. For example, the drug courts, which work fairly well when they work, are premised on the notion that a person has bottomed out. They're tired. They've had a long history of petty crimes involving drugs and they're looking for an opportunity to change.
Young people are not at that part of their lives. Some of them are looking for excitement. Some of them are trying to conform to peer behaviour. Some are really using drugs to work out a negative self-image or a negative set of circumstances. I think you need a lot more tailored programming for that, because it's often accompanied by mental health issues. There are other reasons why drugs become enticing. You need to substitute something that is exciting for them, like downhill skiing or gourmet cooking--something other than drug use. So there needs to be a more substitution-like strategy for the underlying motivation.
There are lots of opportunities to think about different types of programming. Correctional Service Canada has been very good at developing and testing programs. If more resources were given to Correctional Service through the national anti-drug strategy renewal, with the idea of looking at some of the innovative, more tailored programming, there might be more programs and more successful programs.