Good afternoon, everyone, and thank you very much for the opportunity to appear before you.
I am speaking to you as someone who has recently completed a number of research projects that I think might relate to the issue at hand. Two of those involved reviews of complaints against the RCMP, one in the Atlantic region and one in British Columbia, which was a 15-year review and analysis of complaints against the RCMP. More important was a five-year review of code of conduct cases against RCMP officers in British Columbia.
Those reports I can certainly make available to you. They're available online, I think, through our university, but to be sure that you have them, I will make arrangements to have them sent by email to you today.
The results of the review of the code of conduct cases, I must say, were disappointing to our research team. We had to conclude that the process of dealing with code of conduct cases in the RCMP needs to be such that there needs to be a greater amount of objectivity in terms of dealing with complaints, formally and informally, and a more independent review. Of course, that is being addressed, certainly to a large degree, by the proposed appointment of a commission.
The other thing that was most disturbing to us was the matter of penalties awarded to people who are found in contravention of the act and are guilty of code of conduct violations. In particular, the penalties that have been awarded do not seem to reflect at all the seriousness of the violations.
As it is, it would appear that dispositions reflect a clear tendency toward great leniency. In particular, that cluster of cases involving integrity issues, which is about one-third of cases, in our view, as we concluded, should be dealt with in the most serious manner. The RCMP should have zero tolerance for cases where people have been found to lack integrity. That threshold involving integrity issues, in our view, should be zero tolerance.
The new act, as I read it, appears, at least in spirit, to reflect the need to treat cases more seriously.
We're also encouraged by what has happened since the release of our reports. I think it's a fair comment to say there is a very clear awareness on behalf of the RCMP that change is needed and quickly.
There is also a clear recognition there needs to be that level of independence, which hasn't been there before.
There's a recognition there are things that need to be addressed that lead up to these kinds of cases happening in the first instance. That change is with respect to recruitment, selection, training, promotion, and the whole matter of messaging and changing the culture within the RCMP with respect to what's acceptable and not acceptable behaviour.
In considering these proposed changes overall, I would say that it certainly appears to be a step in the right direction. I wish there were a little more clarity on the whole matter of the level of dispositions awarded for one offence or another.
It's my understanding that the commissioner will now have greater leeway and discretion to dismiss people for some of these cases. That would certainly be a positive step forward, particularly given what's been the case historically.
In our review, for example, looking at some 80 code of conduct cases a year in British Columbia, it was almost never that someone was dismissed regardless of how serious the offence was. I will remind the committee that one-third of those were Criminal Code violations, and another third were integrity issues.
I'll leave it at that for now.