I'm happy that you brought that up. There are a couple of things that I think are important.
First of all, whether it's in a private workplace, a government organization, or a small business, it's important to have certain procedures in place to deal with harassment of all kinds. There should be zero tolerance for harassment, whether it's sexual harassment, racial harassment, sexual-orientation harassment, or any other kind. Strong businesses and private and public organizations have policies in place to deal with that.
What's happened under the RCMP is that the complaints process is so onerous. It's a very long process. Direct supervisors cannot deal with issues like this when they arise, and that's been a huge problem. What Bill C-42 does is it modernizes the whole system. It gives direct supervisors an ability to deal with it.
My concern with your suggestion is that if we start pulling out different types of harassment and try to deal with them in a piece-by-piece way, we would not be dealing with the foundational premise, which is that all harassment is wrong.
I wonder if you could comment on that, the idea that no harassment should be tolerated. If we start to break it up, it could become confusing, or we might miss a piece.