Right. Okay, thank you.
The next point I want to talk about.... I have great concern with what seems to me a great imbalance towards helping inmates who are addicted to drugs being able to access more drugs and access paraphernalia to administer those drugs, against the safety of officers who are doing their job every day, putting their lives at risk.
They are law-abiding citizens. They have not committed any crimes. They may have had issues in their lives as well by virtue of which they could have made bad decisions, but these are individuals who are working on behalf of Canadians. It appears to me that their safety is, with your presentation, completely ignored.
I wonder whether you could please tell me—and I would ask you not to cite the Swedish study, because I don't have that in front of me—how you could practically.... Talk about unrealistic goals. How can you practically say and try to make us believe that needles would not be used as weapons against officers?