One is that the increase in mentally ill people on the street, unmedicated or self-medicating with drugs and alcohol, creates this sense in communities that the streets aren't safe. These aren't criminals and they may not be performing criminal acts, but the social disorder issues around them are huge. Studies have shown that you don't have to be the victim of a crime not to feel safe. If there's a loud, aggressive person, who may be mentally ill, who's on the block or doing something weird, you tend not to feel safe. There are 70,000 dispatch calls a year in Calgary regarding social disorder instances just like that.
The second thing is that people are no longer satisfied with the police going out and arresting the bad guy after they've been victimized. What they're saying is that they do not want to be victimized in the first instance. They want to see prevention occur in some way prior to their house being broken into, or their kid being bullied, or whatever. There's far greater pressure in regard to that.
The third thing that didn't exist years ago is everything to do with the cyberworld: cyber-crime, cyberbullying, and sexting, which creates the distribution of inappropriate pictures from one young person to another young person. We've recently seen the subsequent impact of that.
Those are just three examples of what some of the drivers are over and above the regular police calls that occur when you put drugs and alcohol on the street on a regular Thursday, Friday, or Saturday night, and things go crazy.