Thanks for the question.
Mr. Chair, if you bear with me, I'll just quote something:
If you can kill a disbelieving American or European—especially the spiteful and filthy French—or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever...waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State, then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be.
It goes on to say:
Kill the disbeliever whether he is civilian or military—
That's from an audio speech by ISIL released this September.
In the same audio speech, ISIL is also urging its supporters to conduct attacks in their home countries, not in Iraq, not in Syria, but in their home countries.
In addition, if you go back to April, there was a video that you could see on YouTube, which said, “This is a message to Canada...We are coming and we will destroy you”. That was a member of ISIL who is actually a Canadian citizen.
In addition, you have to remember—and this was talked about earlier—that it's not just Canadians who are joining ISIL but also all the other westerners from countries whose passports we trust. They could leave Iraq and Syria and enter Canada to conduct a terrorist attack here. At the same time—and you just have to look at what recently happened in Australia—there is the lone actor. The people who are there never went to Iraq and Syria but were actually inspired by the type of audio speech I've just quoted from and decided to do something in their home country. In Australia a young 18-year-old boy was killed after he tried to stab two police officers. That young boy was actually stopped from travelling and going to Iraq and Syria. A few days prior to that, over 20 Australian citizens were arrested because they were planning attacks, including against civilians whom they would kill and whose bodies they would cover with the ISIL black flag. The threat is real.
As Commissioner Paulson said earlier, we don't want to sound alarmist. We're telling people that they should go about their daily lives, but we have to be vigilant. It is not just a question of a threat here in Canada. It's Canadian interests and Canadian citizens abroad who are also targeted.