Thank you, Mr. Chair, and thank you to our witnesses.
It's important to know, as Mr. Garrison made clear on Monday, that these are very abbreviated proceedings for something that, with witness after witness, we're now learning is more complicated and involves a lot more need for attention than we're giving it.
This is our only day as official opposition to have two witnesses we specifically wanted to hear and they're getting part of one panel in one half of a two-hour session. This is really an inadequate process.
I am very grateful to the witnesses for making sure that the whole question of oversight and review has not been lost in this. The fact that the Inspector General is gone, and the fact that since the Arar inquiry we've known we need much better oversight and review mechanisms, including parliamentary review and much better co-ordinated oversight mechanisms for all intelligence agencies....It's just Intel Oversight 101 and yet a decade later we're still not there.
It's important to note that the Privacy Commissioner is supporting exactly what you're saying. In a letter he sent today, Mr. Therrien wrote:
Clear statutory rules should be enacted to prevent information sharing by CSIS from resulting in a violation of Canada's international obligations.
That's on the whole clarity point. It also, ultimately, has implications on the Wakeling case. He also wrote:
A balanced legislative approach would also, in my view, include in Bill C-44 measures to make the activities of all federal departments and agencies involved in national security subject to independent oversight.
He goes on to elaborate that a little bit.
People thinking about the implications of both clarifying and extending CSIS' powers are also saying that we shouldn't be doing this without a more comprehensive understanding of how oversight and review needs to catch up, not only with the problems in the past but with what's now happening in the bill.
I'd like to focus, Professor Forcese, if I could, on a couple of your points. On the warrants, basically clause 8 indicates that a new section 21(3.1) would say:
Without regard to any other law, including that of any foreign state, a judge may, in a warrant...authorize activities outside—
The activities that he or she authorizes are investigative activities. That refers to an earlier provision.
You've indicated that you're assuming this would only be confined to surveillance and not interrogation. Is there anything in the language that would suggest that's necessarily the case?