Great, and the Belgian model is something that people can look at because you described it quite well at the time.
The second thing is that you indicated very well in the information sharing provisions of the new act within Bill C-51 about how important it is for there to be no silos for review agencies. Let's mix oversight and review here too, but review agencies, whether it's SIRC, the CSE commissioner, or the RCMP review body, I'm not sure if you're aware but the CSE commissioner wrote to say that he does not understand why of the 17 agencies listed in this new act he, as in his office of the commissioner, is the only review agency that is written in as allowing to share information.
I am wondering if you have the same concern. Is there any reason that this sharing of information would be written in as these 17 agencies plus whatever the minister adds by regulation, but only the CSE commissioner has been written in, so that in fact, the opportunity has not been taken to add sharing of information among review agencies.
Is that a concern for you?