For the department, on many occasions that has not taken place. However, everybody has the availability of calling the witnesses they do wish to hear. I will simply go now to our other business. Thank you very much.
There are three issues that the chair will be considering, and I wish to draw them to your attention so you have some input thought out before we move forward.
The first issue is the witnesses for Thursday's meeting. The chair does not have a complete confirmation on the number of witnesses yet. It is the chair's intention if we have a lesser number than we expected to simply go for one hour. However, I'm at the will of the committee, so I will leave that with you. That is one point of consideration the chair is going to take under advisement.
The second issue is the budget implementation legislation. It's my understanding there may be potentially six divisions that may be referred to this committee. I give you that just for your information, and you can start to make some preparations based on that. The chair has no indication yet of what they are. Once it's been referred to the chair, the clerk or I will give that information to everybody for consideration. That is an issue that may come before this committee for committee business.
The third issue I will raise is that we've had a request for a meeting with the Czech delegation. They are also requesting a meeting with defence. It's a high-level delegation. Defence is willing to meet with them. We may meet with them as well, depending on this committee's thoughts. We either need to meet with them as a full committee or as members of the committee, whatever your preference is. We're exploring options right now to see whether we would potentially join with defence at the same time for the hour, or whether we would do a stand-alone after our meeting.
Those are some thoughts that you can stew over for a little bit. Going forward, the chair would appreciate some input, and we'll make some decisions.
Yes, Mr. Easter.