Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I wish we had more time to talk about the issue of racism, which was raised in the Correctional Investigator's report, but I want to make it clear that no one, not the Correctional Investigator or anyone on this side, is accusing our correction officers of being racist. What we're talking about is a failure of the system to respond to the correctional needs of aboriginal people and visible minorities within the system so they can return to society as contributing members.
I want to return to another matter that the Correctional Investigator calls “a dramatic reversal in terms of principles and standards”. He's talking about double bunking here, as it interferes with relocation and also creates unsafe work environments for corrections officers.
The new policy in corrections removes two principles. Our policy used to say that “single occupancy accommodation is the most desirable and correctionally appropriate method of housing offenders.” The second quote is that “double bunking is inappropriate as a permanent accommodation measure within the context of corrections.”
What I'm asking about is that now that we're at the highest levels of double bunking we've ever seen—26% on the Prairies—what is the correctional justification for double bunking? Not “what's the need to accommodate”; we know there's growth in population and there's a need to accommodate people. But what is the correctional justification for this? Why have these principles, which were long-standing principles of our corrections system, been removed?