I appreciate that we're taking on this issue of making sure there is no complicity in the mistreatment of people in torture. That was something that was a key to amendment LIB-16, and we put in all of these amendments at the same time, but we do have amendment LIB-16 and to speak to what Mr. Dubé raised, if I go back to amendment LIB-16 and part of the preamble, we, in fact, do refer specifically to the conventions in that. It says:
Whereas Canada is a party to a number of international agreements that prohibit torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, including the Geneva Conventions, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment;
Whereas torture is an offence under the Criminal Code, which Act also prohibits aiding and abetting the commission of torture, counselling the commission of torture, conspiring to commit torture, attempting to commit torture and being an accessory after the fact to torture;
It goes on. It's a fairly long amendment. I will not read out all of amendment LIB-16.
We did adopt that, and it captures what is being sought by NDP-41. It makes very clear what the process is and how we're going to ensure that there isn't complicity. I would state that this captures the field for the purposes of what we're talking about.