Notwithstanding the comments that were just made by Mr. Motz, I do find it very odd that this proposed paragraph is here, given the fact that proposed section 2 doesn't seem to have any reference in its definitions to “information technology”. Proposed subsection 24(5) does. I'm just trying to work my way down to proposed subsection 45(3).
My question to my colleagues across the way is, do you actually want to give the regulatory authority to cabinet to change the definition of the act through regulations? I think it seems, actually, incoherent in the nature of how law is supposed to work. Regulations should only have the authorities granted in them that are granted within the act.
If we're asking for this particular proposed paragraph to be in here, somebody somewhere thought that this was a good idea. Otherwise, it wouldn't be here. If we're drafting legislation to deal with, basically, cybersecurity, which is largely in the realm of information technology.... When I was the chair of the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics and all of that type of stuff, we would try to draft technologically neutral legislation. I'm guessing there's somebody somewhere thinking that maybe the legislation is not technologically neutral enough in its definitions that this would need to happen.
This is my question to the officials. Is this something that would not be covered or be exempted in an emergency, one of those emergency situations we referred to earlier? Why is this necessary? It just seems counterproductive to the democratic process and I'm a little worried about the precedent it sets.