My comments are in line with the amendment and my colleague's comments about peace bonds and how one can be subject to a peace bond. The concern is that one can receive a peace bond, not generally, but in some circumstances, outside of any concern of violence against a person or anything along those lines.
I think it's important that we have proper language around what will entail the consideration of a peace bond. You can add language such as, “a peace bond subject to some of the UCR codes” that have been talked about. You can receive a peace bond for something like not attending a certain location because of prolific shoplifting, so that shouldn't preclude someone down the road from ever having access to a licence.
I support the intent of this as long as we have the language clear. As Mr. Viersen has indicated, that a person is presently subject to a peace bond, and then that peace bond is relevant to a violent offence against a person, which is really what we're trying to get at; that is, a person who poses a risk to someone else, which is what Ms. May has proposed in hers, and what your intent is here, Ms. Damoff. If we're able to make some adjustments to the language, I think we can certainly support that.