No. If I understood you correctly, you said that if we took that language, it would apply elsewhere, but it's in paragraph (d). Did I take you to mean that if that same language were elsewhere in subsection 5(2), and not just inside paragraph (d), it would have better application?
The intent behind this, as told to my friends, is to ensure that those who would adjudicate as a CFO would have greater certainty or language around not allowing the broad strokes of misinterpretation of how this should look and how this should be interpreted. That's all we're trying to get at.
If you think it should be at a different spot from paragraph (d) and that it applies to all of them, then great. We would certainly defer to that. However, if you think it's best to apply it in paragraph (d), which is where we had our greatest concern, I certainly would defer to Pam or whoever would have impact. Unless, Ms. Robichaud, I misinterpreted what you said.