As far as the AED is concerned, you're never going to use it in the wrong situation. It will not shock if it's not supposed to shock. It's built into the software and it looks at ECG rhythm. We in the medical field know what we're looking at when we look at that monitor. We know what to shock and not shock. For the layperson, the “A” in AED stands for “automatic”. It does everything for you, depending on what model you have.
The model that our guys carry has pictures of where the pads go when you open up the lid, and it does everything else. It tells you when to do CPR. It tells you when to back off of it. It charges and it shocks. Those are the most automatic models. Some models out there require you to press a button to charge and press a button to shock. That button usually flashes at you. They're made, as they said, to be very simple so that as long as someone can listen and see the pictures to know where the pads go, it should work.