Thank you very much, and thank you for the invitation.
As I have indicated—and I have forwarded the report itself to the committee—I was asked to take a look at this issue back in March and April for the United Conservative Party in Alberta, so I went out there.
Essentially, it was their MLAs who had been doing town hall meetings on the subject. What they wanted to do was pull the information together that they already had from their individual MLAs, get some specifics with some interviews from law enforcement people, which I was able to do, and then in effect combine it all in the context of policy and put together a series of recommendations on how to deal with the issue. That was the context in which I got involved.
I should add that I was a prosecutor in Alberta. I was in what would be viewed as a...including rural areas in the traditional district of Wetaskiwin, which actually means “hills with peace” in Cree, which, trust me, it wasn't. It was the largest, richest reserve in the country, and it was proof that money is not the answer, because it was one of the most violent places imaginable.
I will be very quick. What I will do is maybe just touch on a couple of the highlights. There are a lot of details about some of the specifics that may be of interest to you in different areas, and I can leave some of those specifics to the questions that follow.
Essentially, as I say, the interview included the MLAs who had conducted the town hall meetings. They also supplied a lot of the materials they had received. They were really very effective town hall meetings. There were municipal politicians as well, and community groups and police entities. I did the count last night, and there were a total of 22 groups or individuals that I was involved in interviewing.
It was analysis and recommendations. The precondition was that it was going to be based on substantive data, not just supposition. That was the point of gathering all the information together. It was also in recognition.... I'm sure you're all aware as well, especially when you're dealing with a subject as complex as this, that the issues are not all legislative. It also includes operational issues, policy issues, and funding issues.
I know a number of you have a background in the criminal justice system. One of the truths in our system is that the two key principles are based on the idea that the officials have discretion, whether it's police officers, prosecutors, judges, or even post-conviction correctional officials, and our system is based on the notion that they have that discretion and that they exercise that discretion.
It is also a reality in our system that there are multiple players involved in it, and the actions or inactions of one player can have significant impact on the other players throughout the system.
That's something that needs to be kept in mind when you're dealing with any criminal justice-related issue, and it equally applies in this one too.
On some of the key issues that were identified, there is no question from all of the people I spoke with—and as I say, they had held these town hall meetings—that there is a significant increase in rural crime, which by way of definition is....
There are some crimes that are generally the kinds of crimes that are being committed, but the definition of it is essentially crime that is occurring in non-urban or non-suburban areas. Different agencies had definitions based on population and location of detachments and things like that. For those kinds of things, though, if you're looking for a more narrow analysis on it, it certainly can be done by some objective standard. I must admit the people at Juristat are fully capable of doing that
Really you have a situation in which the bad guys are taking advantage of the vulnerable situation. That's really what it comes down to at the core. The individuals involved were identified as frequently being armed and intoxicated. More than one entity I spoke with in the police world about this also raised a very tangent point, I think: Where are the bad guys getting the guns? I know that's an issue that is being analyzed right now. It's a very good thing that it's being analyzed, because that's something that needs to be looked at.
The core of it, of course, is that there's a lack of timely police response due to a shortage of police resources. My understanding is that there have been improvements made, but a literally dysfunctional call system in place. It was simply not working as it was originally intended. That, of course, was causing other problems as well.
Another major issue was that the sites themselves were not as secure as they could've and should've been. There were different views expressed about that, including: “Why should I have to do this? I've never had to do this before.” That may be true, but if you have a reality that you're facing of people coming to take advantage of it, you need to also look at reducing the opportunity for the bad guys to take advantage.
There was definitely a lack of clarity on homeowners' self-protection rights. I know the committee has heard from different witnesses on that aspect. That's one of the areas on which I made recommendations. Specifically, I believe you heard from Solomon Friedman, who gave some very precise information on the same principle that I had been suggesting. He has, frankly, more current expertise than I do, but the idea was that there are things we can do to clarify those issues that would be helpful.
The enormous importance of community groups, whether it's Citizens on Patrol or the Alberta Rural Crime Watch, is a really key part of it. I heard that from the local officials and the police as well. It was also reflected in the town hall meetings.
As I'm sure you've heard, one of the realities of this is that we are—what a surprise—dealing with repeat offenders; the people who commit crimes over and over again. Compounding that is the sense of this being exacerbated by what is described as a catch-and-release reality, where people who are being apprehended are being kicked loose by the system in inappropriate circumstances. That, of course, exacerbates things.
One of the realities from the police groups was the identification that it was not just people who lived in rural areas who were committing these crimes, but people who lived in urban and suburban areas who were leaving those areas to go and commit the crimes by taking advantage of those vulnerable circumstances. It wasn't a haphazard approach. In fact, it was more organized than that. These were groups of people. Chop shops were involved. In essence, it was more organized than what one might expect.
Vehicle theft, of course, was predominant. The police report it. I saw this, and I should've mentioned this at the beginning. Part of what I did when I started this was an extensive review of all of the media reporting. My analysis was exclusive to Alberta, but I looked at the media reporting in different western jurisdictions in particular.
One of the things that the police were quite clear about, and as I've seen in following the issue since then, is that there is a real increase in stolen vehicles and high-speed chases involving the police. After those individuals are actually confronted, there is armed resistance and confrontation by the offenders. That's something that the different police groups that I spoke to specifically identified.
Obviously, in a contract province, the key issue is the shortage of RCMP officers, including the RCMP officers who are assigned to the detachment. The phrase that one person used was, “They're getting their directions from Ottawa, not from Alberta.” It went right to the core of the entire contract policing issue.
There has been some success, and you've heard from some of the RCMP officers, in some areas: integrated crime reduction units, the alert, problems in relation to victims not being informed, and restitution. Also—and I can touch on this later, but I didn't know about this—there are some deficiencies in sexual assault evidence retention and in preserving the integrity of the evidence that need to be corrected.
In conclusion, it was reported that there definitely was an erosion in public confidence in the justice system among people who lived in these rural communities because of all of this, and what they perceived as a lack of response.
The recommendations were varied, and they were not just legislative. You don't always have to change laws to do it. It's not just federal laws, but also policies and operations that we can hopefully get into during the questions.
Thank you.