For the most part, the threshold remains useful. As Mr. Lambert just mentioned, when it comes to terrorist financing, those thresholds mean very little, because we don't see that many transactions linked to terrorist financing that would be of that amount.
What it really comes down to is the type of analysis and the type of work we can do with our reporting entities; the type of education we do; the awareness and the outreach; and the development of the indicators related to specific types of crime, whether it's terrorist financing or others, and how we can get those indicators out. We recently published what we call our STR trilogy, which is really guidance on how to fill out an STR, a suspicious transaction report, and on how we can look in very specific areas, whether it's with money services businesses or others, and at what types of indicators are more specific to them. That's the type of proactive and partnership work that we have to do with our reporting entities that will continue to lead us to quality reporting.