Thank you, Chair.
Thank you, Kristina. That's my thinking as well.
As I mentioned before, Chair and team, my concern is the 31st. I think we can live with some adjustments. We haven't heard from the analysts whether the 31st is a possibility to get at Levesque after today—we can get at it again today—and whether we are going to be in a position to start looking at it differently, and then on the seventh as well. We have some flexibility with the ninth, 14th, 16th, 21st and 23rd, as Jack indicated, on extremism, the border and CSC, but our priorities remain racism and the Levesque study. I don't think we can continue to put those ones off for any other reason.
I don't know where we're at with the racism one. Are they going to be ready for us on the 26th? I don't know. I certainly hope so.
Let's put the dates in here. If there's a date [Technical difficulty—Editor] I'm proposing. As I said, let's shore up something different for the 31st, and I'm good with it personally. We need to get at the things we've committed to tabling in the House. Those are racism and Levesque, with no exceptions.