Thank you, Chair.
What I will add is that, as Damien said, we don't want to prejudge what is ideologically motivated or religiously motivated. In many cases, quite honestly, what I might consider to be religiously motivated hate crime extremism might actually be ideologically motivated. The challenge that we are going to be facing is trying to differentiate the issue, so let's avoid the issue of any grey area and have it all-encompassing because the overarching theme for all of these is violence. It's the violence.
It doesn't matter whether I'm ideologically or politically or religiously motivated, it is the violence that puts Canadians at risk in this country. As Damien said, let's not limit ourselves to.... Again, we're going to have witnesses who are going to have varying views. We're going to have witnesses who will talk about extremism in all of its forms, not just ideologically motivated, as I said, because some may consider religiously motivated extremism to be an ideology. Why would we put ourselves already in a grey area where we're going to be having dual motives being debated as opposed to the issue of violence because of extremism?
I will be supporting the amendment as a result.