Thank you. It's always difficult. There are so many interesting areas, and we don't generally speak openly from a committee perspective on what we are or are not doing. We simply come to ground on what we're doing, and then we announce it and then we speak only once we have produced something.
You can imagine that many of us were asked to comment last week about the opposition day motion. That's all fine and good, but generally we don't respond at all. However, I think one interesting area that the committee might consider is the whole question of the Investment Canada Act, the tests that may or may not be applied now for foreign acquisitions of Canadian companies and the sufficiency or insufficiency of those tests or the metrics that are used. That could be helpful in a Canadian context in an increasingly globalized world.
We have decided internally, Mr. Van Popta, to reduce the number of reports and reviews. You can see why, perhaps, given the document in front of you. We'll be staggering the releases of those as well.