This is a real problem. We see Indian narratives parroted by western media and Canadian media. That was the case during the 2018 Trudeau visit to India. This narrative of so-called Sikh extremism was used to completely taint the entire visit, but it was based on a false Indian narrative and planted stories.
Currently, we are seeing many similar things. India creates a narrative and puts out false news. That, frankly, puts Canadian lives at risk. We have seen how an individual here in Canada—I won't use his name, but he has absolutely nothing to do with any sort of extremism, or anything else—had his address, name and picture put into Indian media as a so-called Sikh extremist. He's afraid of living at home, but he can't sell his home because the house is now tainted property.
Disinformation is absolutely crazy. I think Canada needs to take steps to point it out, because, you know, Canadian consumers of this are also very numerous. Indian media is read by Canadians, as well, so something needs to be done about that.