Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
I welcome both of you to our committee.
Wow. October 24 was quite the meeting for me to miss that day.
Honestly, like Ms. O'Connell said, we had no idea this kind of testimony was going to come forward. We actually received the documents from Mr. Alexander in an email at 12:21 p.m., and the committee started at 3:46 p.m. that day.
I have many years of experience at committee. In my experience, when a witness is both handing in documents and testifying, the documents can provide a good reference point, but I tend to put more weight on the testimony. My practice is that, if we are going to quote extensively or use a witness's particular information given at a committee during the drafting phase, those are always helpful to come back to.
My staff person was giving me updates from the committee and was describing in real terms how sideways it suddenly went with Mr. Alexander's testimony. We don't have much experience with someone coming before a committee where they are protected by parliamentary privilege and just going after someone in the way that he did.
Mr. Pugliese, we want to afford you the same parliamentary protection and give you the time and space here at this public committee that Mr. Alexander was afforded.
Mr. Alexander did say in his statements that he had shared these documents with national security authorities in Canada. Outside of October 24, was this the first time you had heard about this? Have you ever had someone in an official position in Canada contact you about these documents?