Yes, absolutely, and I don't think it's a monolithic answer. Certainly financial considerations are part of it, although one of the lessons I've learned in the last few years of doing this work is that it's only a part of it.
If you imagine the amount of money that GoFundMe was making off that convoy fundraiser itself, it was probably not very much. I would say that this probably goes more deeply to the culture of the tech industry, of being relatively anti-regulation and relatively pro-free speech, and there's sort of a cultural headwind to taking action.
Our experience has been that the response from different private companies really depends on the company and on the culture of that company. Some companies are adamantly opposed, some are very proactive partners of ours that are eager to work more proactively in enforcing and implementing policies and some fall in the middle. I think a lot of what you see is driven by public perception more than anything else.
The reason that GoFundMe didn't take action initially was probably that there wasn't a lot of public scrutiny, and thus not a lot of attention being paid. I think that is certainly a default position of most platforms. Unless there's public or journalistic interest in a particular problematic event happening on their platform, it tends to get ignored.
I'll also say as a more general rule that where we've seen more proactivity is where there's healthier competition. In the parts of the market—whether it's ad tech or other parts of the tech industry—where there's less competition and more of a monopolistic market structure, there tends to less interest in implementing a solution. Where there's more competition and more interest in running a cleaner platform, so to speak, relative to your competitors, there tends to be more proactive action. To us, that's also why antitrust actions are actually an important lever to pull in the tech reform conversation as it relates to disinformation, extremism and hate speech, in addition to the other ones that I've been talking about as well.