Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Chair, members of the committee, I want to sincerely thank you for inviting me to appear before you. My name is Aurélie Campana. I am a political science professor at Université Laval, and for the past 20 years, my research focus has been violent extremism. First, I studied jihadism, specifically in Russia and the Sahel, and then, I examined Canada's network of far-right small groups. My field investigation, which I conducted with two colleagues, Samuel Tanner from the Université de Montréal and Stéphane Leman‑Langlois from Université Laval, began when Canada's far right hadn't really attracted much publicity. We were able to follow how the movement evolved as groups gained more and more public exposure.
I would like to share some of our findings from our scientific research in relation to two overlapping factors: the international dimension and the role of social media. Before I do that, though, I want to make two points.
First, it's important to distinguish between two trends in what is commonly referred to as Canada's far right: one, the groups and individuals that belong to the radical right; and two, the groups and individuals that make up the far right.
The radical right seeks the extensive reform of the government and society rooted in political ideologies. Highly heterogeneous, the groups and individuals that make up the radical right tend to adhere to the rules of the political process, motivated by a desire to change them from the inside. Most of them defend democracy as an organizing principle but reject liberal democracy and its values, including pluralism and egalitarianism.
Extremist parties reject the democratic system, clearly challenging its legitimacy and that of the government. They call for the, sometimes violent, overthrow of existing institutions. These fringe groups occupy the public space in ways that can be unscrupulous.
My understanding is that the committee is mainly interested in extremist groups and individuals. Those I would categorize as radical are nevertheless worthy of attention, because they help normalize Islamophobic, anti-establishment or other such views, while providing an indirect vehicle for recruitment.
Second, the far-right ecosystem has fluid boundaries. The movement is made up of groups, academics, alternative media of varying sizes, as well as individuals who in some cases emerge as influencers. I refer to the boundaries as fluid because the groups and individuals in the movement can expand their discursive repertoire by absorbing fringe movements whose theories align with their own ideological motives—masculinism in the case of the incel community.
Issues that may have been prominent at one point can become less important periodically or permanently. In the 2010s, numerous groups and individuals in the radical right and far right emerged around identity issues. Although the racist, Islamophobic and anti-Semitic views they promote have far from disappeared, they have taken a backseat to anti-public health measure discourse and, especially, anti-elite and anti-establishment messages.
Both radical right and far-right groups and individuals have joined networks with international reach. Social media has led to a convergence of discourse and views, one that does not necessarily require formal contact but that is shared through certain ideological references. Although the current discourses of Canada's radical right and far right take diverse forms, they converge around four central themes found in the U.S., French and British movements and expressed in very similar language at times. Those four themes are nativism, victimization of the “silent white majority”, white supremacy and conspiracy theories.
A convergence like this can have a significant impact. One or more transnational belief communities tend to emerge, leading to more formal connections and helping individuals, expertise, discourse, theories and money to circulate. Social media are the arena in which much of the movement's transnational dimension takes shape.
Digital platforms make it easier for supporters to coordinate, organize, recruit and fund-raise, not just share theories. Basically, digital platforms make it easier for organizational convergence and political activism to take place. Canadian society is nowhere near as polarized as American society. However, the groups and individuals who belong to Canada's radical right and far right help accentuate certain divides and perpetuate a growing distrust of elites.
In these uncertain times, our trust mechanisms have been seriously shaken, and digital platforms are becoming tools of mass disruption, skilfully manipulated by more or less visible groups, polarizing political figures and some governments.