Among the eight remaining recommendations is the one that Mr. Wilson and Mr. Price supported, regarding the prevention framework.
We consider it insufficient. The government has the duty to establish strong prevention programs, with local organizations that know what to do. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. So prevention is essential, we have to pull out all the stops.
Awareness is the topic of my fifth and sixth recommendations. We remember the mass killing in Portapique and the ensuing confusion. Police officers must be better trained and there must be a public awareness program. I am not an expert on public communication, but people must be publicly warned through pop-up ads that the weapons in circulation are very dangerous, that our children must stay far away from them, and so on. I do not know how to go about this, but this must be communicated to the public. The information has to be communicated and awareness work must be done in schools, CEGEPs, colleges and universities. It must be thoroughly discussed so the entire population is made aware of this.
That will require an awareness program or programs involving experts in public communication, psychologists who know what to say so there is no confusion. This has to be done.
These are the items I stressed in my recommendations.
The other point I wanted to make is that there should be no exemption for new businesses such as clubs and shooting ranges, where customers shoot at fast-moving objects, just like Olympians. Olympic sports have a clear framework, are clearly defined and organized, and are well-known, and so forth.
The bill must be limited this to this framework so as to exempt only those international athletes who meet Olympic standards, and not to allow businesses that are lured by the appeal of adding new sports and taking advantage of this opening. If such businesses multiply, Bill C-21 will hardly have any impact at all, because these businesses will run the show.
We think this bill must be carefully constructed to prevent any opening for sports other than Olympic sports, which are internationally recognized.
That is what I wanted to add.
Thank you very much for this opportunity, very kind of you.