My name is Martin Bourget, and I'm the president of Aventure Chasse Pêche. We mainly produce hunting and fishing television programs and a magazine. I'm also a columnist who specializes in that field, particularly on firearms, in which I do technical reviews. I have published hundreds of articles in my career, in audiovisual and print media, for companies like Browning, Mossberg and CANEX, as well as most of the manufacturers in the industry.
Our production work takes us to various sites in the field all over Canada, South Africa, the United States and elsewhere, in city, rural and remote communities, 52 weeks a year, with hunters and fishers who are legitimate firearms owners.
On the subject at hand, we feel that our sampling rate for analyzing more or less what's happening in the field is quite substantial. Our community is confused about all the crime statistics quoted by the authorities, who tell us about the criminal path that weapons lead to and how they end up being used for mischief on the ground. That's what they tell us. Forensic doctors report individual cases of psychological distress, mental disorders and intoxication that will lead to crimes with weapons described by other witnesses as domestic and legitimately-owned weapons.
The government is proposing a definition that is creating an enormous amount of confusion, with amendments G‑4 and G‑46. These two amendments contain arbitrary statements that we believe could in the long run make it difficult to apply and maintain measures that would genuinely protect the streets of Canada against armed criminality, particularly when the source is known. Then there are the lists of weapons, and criteria like barrel length and the number of joules, which create yet more confusion, because there are a lot of inconsistencies.
Legitimate gun owners in Canada are deeply puzzled about the very legitimacy of the process set out in Bill C‑21 and the enforcement of these measures. They are asking for nothing less than a study of the bill's true impact on the safety of Canadians and on traditional hunting and harvesting, and sport shooting.