Those are the words that you wrote, ma'am, respectfully, on Twitter. I read them verbatim. It's fine.
I noted that you have mentioned evidence as well, but there were two studies on your website that your group has since removed. Again, new studies come and it's fine to add and remove them, but I did note that the two studies that were removed don't serve the policy position that you've taken.
In fact, one of them in particular was talking about suicide and the correlation between firearm restrictions and suicide. The study itself, which has now been removed from your website, suggests that suicide was not decreased by restrictions of firearms. In fact, unfortunately, as other evidence has shown, if people want to commit suicide, they will use whatever means they can. I did find it interesting that it was removed from your website, and I know your group has cited a lot of information, so it's just a bit odd to me.
There was another study that you removed from your website as well that did not support your conclusion. It said, “Specific laws directed at firearm trafficking, improving child safety, or the banning of military-style assault weapons were not associated with changes in firearm homicide rates. The evidence for laws restricting guns—
Again, that was removed from your website.