Well, thank you very much, Chair, and thank you to our witnesses for being here.
I'm just going to carry on with both Mr. Weber and Mr. Sauvé on what Mr. Julian was talking about. I have serious concerns with the current proposal, with resources, given how this legislation is written and how it's going to be proposed to look after both the RCMP and the CBSA. My guess would be that what is being proposed for resources for the PCRC is insufficient just for the RCMP, and that hasn't even included the CBSA yet. That's a huge red flag for me.
While I support wholeheartedly the idea of public oversight and review—it's absolutely necessary in all forms of law enforcement—it is severely under-resourced.
Mr. Sauvé, quickly, I think there's still some confusion, even around this table and in the public, about how the PCRC will be looking after complaints moving forward in the process. You said you don't want police looking after investigating police, and I get that. What you're specifically saying is that you don't want the RCMP to investigate the RCMP. That's not police investigating police, right?
Some of the hybrid models you talked about have law enforcement, retired or current, actually investigating in a hybrid model along with civilian investigators. It works well. I'm from Alberta, and I'm very familiar with that particular process.
In your estimation and as Mr. Julian has asked, is there a process that can be changed in the legislation? More than just saying that we need to add more money and more resources to the PCRC, is there a process we can look at that will make it more efficient, given the current legislation? What do we need to do differently?