The reason I'd like to do a little tweak to it is that I had many texts, as well as a lengthy discussion with Mr. Danson, who is a very busy man. He informed me of that. He does want to attend. It would probably be virtually. My concern is that if we hold one three-hour meeting, it's going to be a little difficult. We're really putting him under the gun for a busy guy.
He has spoken to the families. It's just too much for them to attend, but they do want to have their words spoken to this committee through him, so I really think, in fairness, that if we just.... Basically, it's going to be the exact same amount of time, but if we do it over a couple of different meetings instead of the one three-hour meeting, I think that will make it easier for people to attend. Even taking something like today.... Let's say we had this three-hour meeting scheduled for today and we ended up having all of these votes, as we did; it would be very hard to get that three-hour meeting in.
My simple tweak—I'll use the word that my colleague used—is that I would like to put forward an amendment to replace the words “a 3-hour meeting” with “three meetings”—