Thank you. I didn't mean to interrupt the vote on this subamendment to BQ-3.
As was previously mentioned, if amendment BQ‑3 is adopted, then amendment PV‑1 could not be moved.
I just want to make a brief comment to speed your work along. As you may remember, because of the strange motion that each committee passes that requires that I show up at committee if I want to present amendments, I don't move my amendments; they are deemed moved.
In every case, as far as I can see, our Green Party amendments are drawn from the testimony and evidence of a group I used to belong to, which is the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers. I wanted to put forward as a helpful suggestion—since my amendments, I think in every case, are identical or very similar to the NDP amendments—that adding additional comments will just slow you down. However, I can't withdraw my amendments. I don't have that power. They are deemed moved as you come to them.
I just wanted to offer that, and perhaps Peter Julian can take it forward.
I will stay silent on all my amendments. Know that I care about them a lot. I hope you pass them, but since they're identical to NDP amendments, I will save you time now by flagging that I don't want to be in the way. As you can tell, I may be on less of a secure connection than if I were stationary in my own office.
Please pass them, but I'm not going to speak to them.
With that, I will go back on mute. Thank you.