Thank you.
This is just about two of those points.
Ms. Gagnon, you indicated that a letter goes out. Based on the concern with moving to “proactively”, how do you send out your letters? You're doing it proactively. You said you send them to everybody, unless a victim has already informed you that they don't want to be notified. How do you know they don't want to be notified until you send out a letter?
I don't understand then, how “proactively” can interfere with the process you have if you already sent out a letter unless you've been notified. It just codifies it, if you will. It ensures that it occurs because currently it doesn't say.
I understand that you want to be consistent with Canadian Victims Bill of Rights. I'm not sure that having this in the act would prevent or cause any conflict or incongruency with the Canadian Victims Bill of Rights.