Thank you very much, Chair.
Thank you to our witnesses for being here.
I know it's been stated, the rush to get this through. We've waited since June 2022, when it was put on the books, and we're still doing a little dance.
I've heard witnesses say, so far, that we need to ask ourselves what's more important, rushing this bill through even though it's faulty or trying to at least fix it so that it's workable to get some things right moving forward. That's something I'll ask all of you to respond to.
I want to also include in that response.... There has also been a concern by witnesses that the bill is vague in many areas, and the regulations are going to try to fix the gaps. The recommendation has been that there should be more definitions, that there should be other language that provides clarity in the bill rather than in the regulations, because regulations could take another couple of years to finish. That's the concern we all have.
I'd like to get your thoughts on those. I'll start with you, Ms. Quaid.