There are a number of recommendations, including those identified in my comments of the last date as well as in today's proceedings, in addition to those identified by Commissioner Dufresne.
We have set out recommendations relating to the need for proportionality and reasonableness limits as an overarching framework that guides both the minister and the government in the implementation of the bill, but also the oversight mechanisms that should be attendant to the privacy interests and other interests that are at stake in this type of legislation.
We have recommended that there be a formalization through the legislation of the role for independent regulators in the assessment of the proportionality criterion when considering potential orders to be put in place under the act.
In light of the really sweeping nature of the types of privacy interests that are engaged by the institutions at issue, including telecommunication providers, we've recommended, being mindful of the constitutional obligations of the government in legislating, that judicial oversight be applicable to private information, de-identified information that has a reasonable expectation of privacy, which is absent from the legislation at this time.