Thank you.
A few weeks ago, I participated in the National Summit on Combatting Auto Theft. I'm going to share with you some things I heard and was astounded by.
One of the speakers said that it's recommended that people leave their cars in the garage and that, in that way, car theft could be avoided. I found that quite an impressive statement. First of all, not everybody has a garage. Then we've seen cases where people have broken into a house's garage to steal a vehicle. So, I felt that proposing this solution wasn't the idea of the century.
I also heard a speaker say that it wasn't the cars' fault, it was the criminals' fault. I understand that, but I still think there are things that manufacturers can do, that's for sure.
The purpose of the summit was to bring all the stakeholders to the same table and to hear from them, because I think there's a lack of collaboration among the various stakeholders. This has come up a number of times.
The government has taken the initiative to host this summit. However, as soon as the initial speeches were made, the ministers put forward solutions. In a way, so much the better. At the same time, I thought we were going to wait to consult stakeholders before proposing solutions.
WhatMinister Champagne has proposed is to ban certain devices that make it possible to reproduce the signal of a key to steal a vehicle. Yesterday, in La Presse and on Radio‑Canada, police officers and security and cybersecurity experts said it was a waste of time, since some devices are already banned but are still used by offenders. Police officers have said that this idea clearly came out of nowhere and that no one was consulted.
I'd like to hear from each of you on that.