That's great. Thank you. I think that's a great place to leave us at.
Thank you, Mr. Cannings.
Thank you, Catherine Beaudry and Robin Whitaker, for your testimony and your participation in this study. It's very great work that you're doing outside this study and by contributing to our study, so thank you. If there are additional comments, please submit them to the clerk.
On that note, as per the motion that we adopted on September 18, the request for the submission of briefs has now been published online. It will be open for the next three weeks. The study page includes a link to submit a brief, as well as the full text of the motion and the administrative information for contacting the clerk, so look at our website there.
Also, in the discussion with the analysts and clerks—if I could just have your attention for one or two more minutes, members—on the deadline for the suggested witnesses for the study on the integration of indigenous traditional knowledge and science into the government policy development, we will be taking a list of those witnesses until the end of the day on Friday the 13th. Please include your party affiliation if they are coming in through your offices. Should the committee wish, the analysts can prepare this list of witnesses for the parties to consider when they're drafting their list.
I also have a reminder that we're not going to be meeting on Monday, October 2, and that at the meeting of Wednesday, October 4, we will be resuming the studies we've been working on today and continuing the good work.
Congratulations to the committee for a great meeting and, again, to the witnesses.
With that, I'll ask if we can adjourn.
Thank you. We're adjourned.