For questions of climate change, it's a little immature now for us, in a sense, as human beings.... In my lifetime as a geographer.... Thank God, we're finally starting to see the earth as something.... People are realizing things that 20 years ago were very esoteric and having that space, not to bring in these people as voices but to basically centralize this and have these discussions, maintaining the separate knowledge and separate traditions and so forth.
This is in many countries, and I definitely think worldwide. I don't see why we wouldn't, so that's why I'm interested in the hybridization, in a sense, in certain topics, in certain goals and in certain applied settings, but definitely the case of climate change would be something that we should be.... We should even have journals that go beyond what we have, breaking all the disciplines apart. As scientists, we don't even talk to each other.
We know full well that there is no such thing as science, so if we can move beyond that, governments could definitely be in the lead in that.