Thank you, Mr. Chair, for the opportunity to speak with the committee today.
I would like to acknowledge that I am here speaking on behalf of the president of Aurora College, Dr. Glenda Vardy Dell. She was unable to make it today and asked me to speak on her behalf since we recognize that it is critical that the voices of smaller and remote post-secondary institutions participate in discussions surrounding the distribution of research funding.
I want to share some information about our college to provide context for our institution and our position with regard to the distribution of funds.
Aurora College is the public community college of the Northwest Territories. It has three main campuses—in Inuvik, Fort Smith and Yellowknife—with research staff located in each of these campuses. We operate the Western Arctic Research Centre in Inuvik, which is the logistics hub for research in Canada's western Arctic. It serves the college, the community and hundreds of external researchers every year from regional, national and international origins.
The north has always generated a tremendous amount of research interest. However, the science and research have historically been led by researchers located outside of the region. These researchers are located primarily in federal government departments and in universities across southern Canada. Increasingly, we have to note, we are seeing large international teams working in our area as well. All of this research has made a tremendous contribution to science. It is valuable nationally, regionally and internationally, but there has always been a gap between the big-picture science and regional research concerns and priorities.
When I first began working in the territories 25 years ago, we spent much time advocating for the priorities of northern jurisdictions and highlighting them to federal research funders to encourage work on these topics since the funds were inaccessible to residents in the territories. This prevented the region from maintaining research capacity in the north, conducting research on local priorities or directing the use of any research funds, which created a great sense of inequity.
Aurora College started conducting a small amount of research in 1995, when the college was created and merged with the Science Institute of the Northwest Territories in advance of the separation and creation of Nunavut. This positioned a small amount of capacity in Aurora College to focus on regional applied research programs, and that's since grown.
Aurora College became eligible to access tri-agency funding in 2014 and, over the last decade, has really started to grow and realize the aspirations of developing applied, community-partnered research. Over this decade, we have grown from 10 to 45 research staff and developed applied research programs with community partners, always partnering with and creating strong benefits for northern communities. It is also important to highlight that we have been able to anchor access to indirect cost funding for our regional indigenous governments and not-for-profit organizations in order to contribute to creating a regional applied research ecosystem.
Throughout this last decade, we have also increased our collaborative engagements with research from universities that have active northern research programs. Doing this has allowed us access to new funds, mentorships and partnerships, but it has also helped us understand how much more indirect cost funding is provided to universities through the research support fund.
Aurora College is currently in the process of transforming from a college to a polytechnic university. Part of this vision is really about building and expanding on this applied research focus. Getting access to national research funds has been a game-changer for us. It has positioned the college to be in a meaningful role for the region and opened avenues for funds, equipment and expertise to focus on and partner with northern and community organizations to address local challenges. The NSERC college and community innovation program has been critical to our growth and success in developing research programs that bring impact and benefit to the communities we serve.
Given our position and our recent experiences with national research funding, we would like to highlight and recommend continued and increased funding in the college and community innovation program. This anchors the applied, community-partnered research where we have demonstrated success and impact and are positioned to grow.
We would also highlight access to research support funds to help offset indirect costs. Providing colleges and institutes with equal access to these would create significant capacity in our institutions to meet the evolving research requirements of data security, research data management, etc.—the many changing requirements.
We also suggest potentially targeting funds that build bridges between universities and colleges to increase the impact of research and knowledge at the community level.
Of course, being northerners, we want to highlight that there is a northern supplement for university programs that is not available for the northern colleges or polytechnics. This creates an additional barrier for our ability to conduct research.
I would like to close by reiterating the importance of national research funding for supporting applied northern research within colleges. It's critical that opportunities remain for remote, northern and indigenous people to access national research funds and participate in the applied northern research ecosystem.
I'd like to say thank you for allowing me to speak with you today. I welcome all questions to help provide the small institution perspective in support of the work of this committee.