The most important thing to remember is that we are funders of research that is developed almost exclusively by the individuals who are doing the research.
Big projects like that are themselves well coordinated. They've been put together, in some cases, over years. They've applied for funding either from us at SSHRC or through tri-agency mechanisms like the Canada first research excellence fund, and then they're adjudicated again by peer review. This is a way we help ensure there isn't overlap and that projects are undertaking the research they're intended to do.
We've also started to work more internationally on projects that will meet or speak to international priorities, which is the case with the competition I mentioned earlier. It's being organized by NordForsk, which is the representative body of the research funding councils of the Nordic countries. Canada will be joining that, as we were invited to do. There will be specific questions and objectives, as I recall, from the NordForsk initiative that countries will be looking to put forward. We can provide you with some more information on that.
Our role is primarily as a funder of projects developed by the researchers themselves and, more and more, by researchers in northern communities, which is our objective overall. That's how we work as a funder.