Yes. However, grants and contributions have many different types of terms and conditions.
Within the National Research Council and our Arctic and northern challenge program, the direction really comes from northerners. You could have an organization, like Queen's or another university, that may be the project lead. Generally, that is often due to capacity limitations in the north, so a northern organization may choose to have a university partner, for example, within our programs that helps administer the research, moves the funds and advances the research.
In other cases, it could be a northern-led organization. We have a number of projects, for example, with the NNC, the Nunavut Nukkiksautiit Corporation, which is a Nunavut renewable energy company in the north. It is the lead applicant, but it has partnered with a southern-based university to support it in its research.
It's really on a case-by-case basis, depending on the capabilities, competencies and capacity.