Thank you, Madam Chair.
Personally, I feel it's critically important for the committee to focus on trafficking in persons. I don't have a problem -- and I've repeatedly said so since the start of the last session -- with having a subcommittee look into solicitation. However, as members of the Standing Committee on the Status of Women, we also have a duty to take a stand on this issue. We don't know yet whether or not we endorse the Justice Committee report, but we need to do some work of our own in this area. Not only will this help us to broaden our understanding of the problem, it will help us avoid all of the cliches.
To begin with, may I point out that if all Canadian women living in poverty worked as prostitutes, then there would be a large number of prostitutes in this country, because many women in Canada and around the world are poor. Prostitution is a highly complex issue. Numerous factors come into play and we must guard against drawing any speedy conclusions. First, we need to have a firm grasp of the issue. I may know some things, but I don't know everything. I want to understand this issue so that I can speak out knowledgeably on the subject if ever the House of Commons votes on legalizing prostitution. That's very important.
What does the subcommittee hope to accomplish? We are still in the dark. We're being told to wait until it releases its report. We'll have something to review, no doubt hastily, whereas all we're really asking is to let the committee consider the issue and adopt its very own position so that down the road, we can compare reports and recommend concrete initiatives, rather than engage is still more debates.
A great deal of responsibility rests on Canada's shoulders with regard to trafficking in persons. In developing countries, people live in abject poverty and must send their children out on to the streets. The international community has an obligation to defend these people by enacting laws prohibiting trafficking here in Canada and elsewhere in the world.
Take, for example, sex tourism. What are we doing about this problem? We have a responsibility to take action to rein in sex tourism. What about immigration laws? What steps are we taking when it comes to organized gangs to counter trafficking in children? Don't think that this is only going on in Bangkok, Thailand. Trafficking in children is also happening in Canada, albeit more indirectly. When minors are sent off to various regions of the country with forged papers to dance and work as prostitutes, Canada has a responsibility to act. We're not taking about sex shows, but about a humanitarian problem. The economic security of women is very important. I don't deny that.
We have focused on a number of topics, for example, pay equity and social housing, and we must continue to do so. During the last session we agreed that we would look into trafficking in persons and various other subjects and we did not get around to the task. We claimed to have run out of time, and that's perfectly understandable. We are now starting a new session and we have a lot on our plate. I think we need to vote on which topics we want to examine.
Before we vote on the creation of a subcommittee, I want to be clear on the role that subcommittee will play. For example, will it be tabling its report in December or in January? Will everyone get an opportunity to be heard, if he or she so wishes? When will the subcommittee meet? We can't overlook the reality that we all have very busy schedules.
In short, I have no objections to striking a subcommittee, but we need to be realistic. It must report back in December 2006. I don't have a problem with this, provided these conditions are met. However, I'll need to see some proof.
Thank you.