Thank you.
I want to thank the witnesses very much for coming today. We do appreciate the information you were able to give us. You've provided more insight. Thank you all very much.
To members, the estimates have to be reviewed. That's a responsibility of the committee. We don't have time now, with seven minutes, to do so, which leaves us no other option but to have them come at the beginning of the next meeting. If everybody could meet with department officials before then--if you have additional questions--we could deal with the estimates as expeditiously as possible at the beginning of our next meeting. We do have officials from DFAIT and Justice Canada confirmed for our next meeting. If members could come prepared to do a fast review of our estimates, and have any questions asked ahead of time with departmental officials, the committee could deal with them.
There was reference, Ms. Stronach, to distribution of some material. You'll see that gets done in English and French.
Is there any other business we need to talk about? Ms. Mourani.