Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
I have to say, being biased and all, that I want to give a nice round of applause for Madam Pitre's last comments and for Ms. Byers'. So I have to admit that at the outset.
I do want to ask some questions, though, of Ms. Williams and also of Ms. Wachniak.
One of you mentioned helping individual women with respect to domestic violence locally. Then you talked about girls and sexual education and so on in the schools, which is all within provincial jurisdiction, which has nothing whatever to do, in any case, with this particular program.
I don't quite understand why or how the moneys that would be used to address specific issues, specific problems like domestic violence--and I've worked in this field myself with immigrant women before I ran--for a specific woman who is having specific problems, and trying to help her with housing, shelter, education for herself and possibly the husband and so on, in any way assists the issue when we cannot address the systemic problem. What the change of criteria does is it takes away the ability of women to do research and to address the systemic problem. All we're doing is fixing that one woman's issue, but we're not addressing the problem of all the women who are facing domestic violence.
I don't understand what your problem is with Status of Women Canada's mandate as it was.