I think the court challenges program was set up to fund court challenges to the government itself. I would suggest that it's about taking the full responsibility that each one of us has to ensure that the rights of every individual, within any legislation or any act taken by the government, are equitably and fairly and judiciously applied. That's where the first responsibility lies.
I would also suggest that the rights of women should be defended by this committee. When it looks at any bill or any program of any government, its responsibility.... You can certainly listen to different organizations, groups, viewpoints, etc., and that's what I would suggest. We have a committee whose responsibility it is to work on behalf of women. You have the ability to review any piece of legislation or call before you any minister if you have concerns.
The court challenges program, as you know, was specifically set up to take a government to court. I ask you to be very diligent in the responsibilities we all share together.