Again, as we said, looking into the future or trying to explain things is not within the scope of the Women in Canada publication, particularly without a statistical basis to do so. In answer to your questions, I think there was, over the course of the last decade, a lessening of the interest in gender issues. When we released the 1995 issue, it was a big deal. One of our analysts was interviewed. It was the lead story on all three news networks, and it was well covered in all the papers. When we released the 2000 issue there was very little response in that regard.
The good news, in terms of your question, is that when we released the latest issue we got tremendous coverage and there was tremendous interest in it. In fact, we released it in March, and we're still dealing with media requests and things of that nature. If there's a good-news answer to the question, it is that some of these issues do seem to be percolating to the top. We would hope that on reading this publication and on seeing that some of these trends have slowed and in fact stopped, people may be given pause to at least ask what's going on here, and the profile of the issues may be raised.