Let me talk a little bit in very general terms.
We talk about diversity issues, and we've had some questions about immigrants and visible minorities. As a general rule, those populations don't do quite as well as the overall population, but the differences are fairly close. There are much wider differences between the aboriginal female population and the overall population. They're less than half as likely to have university training, for example. They're more than twice as likely to have low incomes. They are considerably less likely to be employed. There is also a difference between women who live off-reserve and on-reserve. The women who live on-reserve tend to have statistics—again, we're talking national averages here—that are not as positive as for those who live off-reserve, although there's not a huge difference between those two groups. Again, though, our role really is to present that data, and we haven't asked those other questions.
Rosemary may want to add something here.