I certainly agree, and I think that's actually the direction we're going in. As I mentioned, I call it a reflex. But again the idea is that when you're sitting there as a policy analyst and you're deciding what advice you're going to provide and how you're going to frame that advice up the line ultimately to ministers, you need to understand, and you need to be able to articulate how this particular program or initiative is going to impact on a whole host of stakeholders and public interests.
Quite frankly, I thibk it's a question of the integrity of the public service in providing its advice, that it is taking into account whether or not there will be gender impacts, just as I think it's part of the integrity of the public service to take into account whether there are employment equity impacts, official language impacts, or federal-provincial impacts. There are a whole host of things that we have to take into account in providing that advice to ministers. Our job is to provide the information to ministers so that they can make a decision. They can weigh out all of those public interests and decide from a political perspective what they want to do. Our job is then to loyally implement that after it's been made.
But we don't do our job if we're not giving them the information they need to understand if there is any gender impact on a given issue. I take seriously that it is part of our job to do that. I think that by and large we are doing it. I think it's one of those things for which you don't want to rest on your laurels. You need to continue to work. It's a constant effort to embed these things into the culture of the organization. I think that's what we're doing, and that's the approach we're trying to take.
I think it's far more than a checklist. I think we'll be judged ultimately by outcomes on whether or not we're succeeding. The difficulty there of course is that we're not the decision-makers. Ultimately there's a whole host of things that come in to make decisions. Our job is just to make sure they've got the best advice possible that reflects as many different perspectives on whatever that particular issue may be, and I think that is in fact what we're doing.