Thank you.
Thank you very much for your presentations this morning.
We've heard from a lot of different experts in the field of gender analysis and gender budgeting. There was one thing that I wanted to ask you about, since your department is actively involved in doing the gender analysis.
We had one person testify who was doing an expert analysis of the budget. In that person's presentation, it said:
The goal of gender analysis is to eliminate existing differences in incomes, wealth, empowerment, and other indicators between women and men to promote the full and equal development of women; and to support the attainment of women's equality.
Then it went on to say:
A full gender analysis of budgetary measures seeks to determine whether each individual budgetary measure is likely to have a negative, neutral, or positive impact on the status of women as compared with men.
They went on, then, to analyze and to give us the results of the impact on different policies, whether or not they actually increased the gap between men and women, or ensured that women were no worse off, or actually improved the status of women.
And then we have had other expert presenters say that this should not be a “men versus women” issue. It definitely needs to be something that analyzes the impacts on all sectors of our society, whether it be men, women, children, whoever.
Could you tell me how your process works? Does it include the overall general analysis, or does it do an analysis of women only?