I'm delighted to join in this debate; I guess it's more than just questions and answers.
You'll forgive me if I insinuate a quasi-ideological question inasmuch as it follows up on what one of the members of the government side asked with respect to the role of unions.
As my colleague Ms. Neville indicated, of course, if there is already a challenge before the courts on the legislation, it would appear that we are moving away from holding responsible the unions and other public and private organizations for any shortcomings in parity, in equality, whether it's in conditions or whether it's in salary or just, generally speaking, in law.
But can this be achieved? Can we work towards a system of remuneration that takes into consideration the entire package of disbursements for the public--in this case, not only women but also those who truly do believe in equality--without having a federal role through a court challenges program that sustains any challenges in the courts through legislation that would violate those principles, irrespective of the origin of the violation?
I'm asking that of Madam Birenbaum first, I guess, and then either Ms. Young or Ms. Russell, whichever of the two.