Good afternoon, members of the standing committee.
Thank you very much for this opportunity to participate in this consultation. My name is Charmaine Spencer. I am the co-chair of the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse. CNPEA--RCPMTA in French--is a national non-profit organization that has been working on abuse and neglect issues since before 1991. That was about two years after the first Canadian study on abuse and neglect of older adults came out. The network itself was actually the brainchild of Dr. Elizabeth Podnieks, the lead researcher on that now classic study.
The best way to describe our organization is as a network of individuals, organizations, and regional and community networks. It's unique in its composition and its approach. Our 19-member board includes representatives from each of the provincial and territorial networks, who work with communities on these issues. We are proud of the fact we have representatives from each province and territory. Currently about one half of our board members are seniors, many of whom have been engaged in family violence and related issues for about a quarter of a century. The board includes provincial staff, as well as professionals and academics in the areas of gerontology, medicine, social work, and law.
At CNPEA or RCPMTA, we focus on two key things. The first is sharing current Canadian information about the many different legal, health, social, and cultural aspects of abuse and neglect of older adults, as well as developing information on new and emerging topics. We place this very much in a Canadian context and at a Canadian angle because of the many important and unique features of our country's approaches relative to those of other countries.
We also focus in terms of helping to link local, regional, and provincial and territorial networks by sharing ideas and information and helping them to keep informed about developments in everyday practices, in awareness building, and in practice and policy. This way, communities can find out what is happening in other jurisdictions on particular aspects of the issue and see if that makes sense for their local or regional efforts. That multidirectional sharing is key.
Although this social issue has been around for decades, each jurisdiction in Canada is at a different stage of awareness, knowledge, resources, and community development in this area. As a country, we are still in the early stages of development, but we have seen significant strides made in provinces such as Ontario, Quebec, the Northwest Territories, Alberta, Manitoba, and Nova Scotia. Those are some examples.
In most jurisdictions, that awareness building and that local support is carried out through very time-limited kinds of funding, not ongoing support. The federal elder abuse initiative over the past few years has helped build awareness, but sometimes at a cost to communities who have few, if any, resources to support that awareness and to help individuals. Awareness and appropriate resources need to go hand in hand. Nonetheless, at a community level we are seeing the beginnings of community resources and community responses coming together.
Across the country, our members encourage people to recognize older women and men as a socially, economically, and culturally diverse group that also spans at least two different generations.
Abuse and neglect of older women is a complex, multi-faceted issue that can occur in community settings, as well as in seniors' residences and care-and-support settings such as nursing homes and personal care homes. Older women can experience physical, emotional, financial, and sexual harms, as well as violations of basic rights that other adults take for granted. Commonly, they experience several harms at the same time. Sometimes the harms can occur not from active behaviours, but through neglect from a lack of awareness, lack of knowledge, or lack of personal or community resources. At other times, the neglect may be intentional.
Our organization also emphasizes non-ageist approaches and responses. There is considerable paternalism at one end of the helping spectrum: basically wanting to jump in and rescue or jump in and punish someone. Conversely, at the other end of the helping spectrum, there is the expectation that you can fix the problem simply by providing older women with information while ignoring the dynamics of the relationships that underlie the abuse or neglect, and the policies and practices within the community that help support it.
This is an area that is rife with many myths and misconceptions. We find that older women are often characterized as weak, vulnerable, and less capable people. You'll often hear abused older women described as naive, ill-informed, too trusting, too caring, and too dependent. There is a strong inclination to go around her and to do what people think is best for her.
People hope to be able to distill the often complex issues in this area and try to look for easy answers. There is much less attention given to the social and economic circumstances, such as gender roles and life experience, resource allocation, and social policies, that may facilitate and perpetuate abuse or neglect. Even well-intentioned helpers may ignore or dismiss older women's values, beliefs, and often remarkable strength in the face of adversity.
To better understand how older women are affected, I would like to draw on the lives and experiences of four older women I know in B.C. They have permitted me to share their stories to help illustrate some of the issues and the ways they are being addressed across the country. Their stories are common to many parts of the country.
If you have questions afterwards, I am happy to talk more about the issues, the community challenges, and the progress that has been made in helping these older women and in preventing and addressing situations similar to theirs. In case you are wondering, yes, the names and circumstances have been modified a bit to help protect the women.
Magda is the first woman. She is now in her mid-sixties. She lived in a small community in B.C. and has lived with physical, sexual, and emotional abuse throughout most of her married life. In the 1960s, when she was a young bride being assaulted by her husband, local police typically treated these situations as private matters and took a hands-off approach. There were no transition houses or shelters--there aren't any in her community even today--and the family doctor who treated her broken bones was reluctant to ask questions. Silence was the common response. The expectation of her church, culture, and community was that it was her responsibility as a wife to make things better.
Len doesn't assault her anymore. He simply wore her down through his name-calling and intimidation. Plus, he controlled all the finances. About five years ago, one of her children had almost convinced her to separate from Len and was helping her to live on her own. But Len's health started to decline.
Today he is starting to develop the mid-stages of Alzheimer's disease and once again is showing aggressive behaviour. She won't leave him now. The community health services trying to support the two of them are not necessarily aware of this long history. If an emergency arose and Magda had to leave suddenly, the local women's shelter probably wouldn't be able to accommodate her, and the only place for Len would be the hospital.
Her faith has been a pillar of strength for her throughout this time, and it is part of her resiliency. However, it is only in very recent years that there has been any work done in Canada to explore the role of faith communities and how they might be more supportive and how they might more appropriately help older women in situations like Magda's.
Then there's Helen. Helen is in her eighties. She is another woman who certainly knows about ongoing emotional abuse, as well as financial abuse. About 10 years ago, shortly after one of her sons committed suicide, her youngest son, Matt, started living with her. Matt had lost his job, and his girlfriend had broken off their tumultuous relationship. People who don't know Matt speak about how caring of his Mom he is. That's a very common stereotype for adult children caring for parents.
What they don't know is that up until the last two years, it was Helen who worked eight and nine hours a day babysitting, six days a week, to have enough money to support the two of them and to pay off Matt's mounting debts. She borrowed from each of her friends simply to get by.
Over time, friends became tired and frustrated with what they perceived to be her failure to boot him out. They also worried about their own safety. Matt has been involved with petty crime, including selling drugs to local teens and possession of stolen property. He was charged with assault against his girlfriend. While it might be possible for Helen to get a peace bond or a restraining order, that's often not a logical answer for people who are in her circumstances. It is too easy for him to come back. She wants help for Matt. She very sincerely wants that. But she's clear that she doesn't want him to go to jail, even for the things he has done to others.
Recognizing that, what has been developing only within the last few years in some communities within Canada are specialized police units that are used to dealing with the complexities of these kinds of situations. They also know how to work at the pace of the older woman or older man. They often involve a combination of a police officer and a social worker working together.
There are many other women in situations similar to Helen's. Sometimes they are persuaded by their adult children to cash in their RRSPs or to sell off their primary assets. Sometimes those transactions occur without their knowledge; they have lost their prime asset, but can't get it back. Because of the high cost of lawyers, the narrow scope of legal aid in most jurisdictions, and the retrenchment of legal support in poverty law, these women are effectively left out in the cold.