I want to touch on your tool kit. I didn't have time to read the whole piece, but you talk about fair access to justice and accessing their rights in a safe way. We've heard some testimony that would indicate that just because people were able to access the provincial court system and have a division of property, it may well be that the community still potentially may not be a safe place. It's possible. There could be reprisals; there could be some very bad feelings.
When I looked at your community-based dispute resolution, one of the things I noticed was that this included the entire community throughout the stages of its development of the dispute resolution process. I think in other places there is evidence that this is an education process for the community as well, so that the whole community can be brought up to speed with a different way of handling things. For example, people could use examples on matrimonial real property.
Do you see value in having this dispute resolution process funded, for communities to develop as a tool, to help deal with some of the repercussions of the new matrimonial real property law?